New Arrivals

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  Title Copies
Tabernacle, sacrament, and being destined for small bread 
Year: 2000 
Until the slipper fits: Outgrowing eternal youth 
Year: 2000 
Call No: 2000
Gadzini, P.
The way of the mother: Liberation and grace in a case of childbearing loss 
Year: 2000 
The sound of silence: Discovering conter-transference through a patient's silence 
Year: 2000 
Becoming a rose: Disclosure of personhood in the garden of life 
Year: 1998 
Expelled from the gardn, freed from Egypt: A journey through object loss and attachment to bad objects, toward reparation and healing 
Year: 1998 
This way of looking: An integrative paper 
Year: 1996 
Call No: 1996
Fox, C. R.
A bud frozen over: A diamond in the rough 
Year: 1995 
Call No: 1995
Farrin, M.
An integration paper on the theory and practice of pastoral psychotherapy 
Year: 1995 
Protesting her mother's ruling 
Year: 1995