Results for "T"

Page 4 of 64

  Title Copies
Theoretical paper 
Year: 1977 
The struggle for wholeness: Toward a theoretical framework for pastoral counseling and psychotherapy 
Year: 1977 
Theoretical paper 
Year: 1977 
Theoretical paper 
Year: 1978 
Theoretical paper 
Year: 1978 
Theoretical paper 
Year: 1978 
Call No: 1978
Anspach, B.
Taming the unconscious 
Year: 1979 
The emergence of personal life and the struggle toward relationships 
Year: 1979 
The sound of silence: Discovering conter-transference through a patient's silence 
Year: 2000 
The way of the mother: Liberation and grace in a case of childbearing loss 
Year: 2000